In the most recent edition of Manufacturing Today, Accurate Box is featured talking about the investments it has made into its facility and adapting to its customer’s demands. The article is titled “The Chameleon Effect” and is written by Angela Forsyth. See below for an excerpt from the article.

A chameleon’s colors aren’t just camouflage; they also change due to temperature shifts or emotions. With that in mind, it makes perfect sense that Accurate Box would choose this amazing animal as its mascot. Accurate Box’s customers include many heavyweight companies, and to keep this level of clientele happy, the box manufacturer has to be ready to shift and adapt quickly to new strategies according to buyer needs…
Even though Accurate Box is 75 years old, it’s not slowing down. Hirsh has been buying new equipment and reinvesting in the company with the confidence of an owner who’s going for another 75. Her instincts have been correct because the company has shown tremendous growth, tripling in size within the past 12 years…
Accurate Box serves the needs of big-box stores, grocery stores, catering companies, quick-service restaurants and e-commerce. The current strategy is to lean toward those companies that need fast turnaround times and can’t afford to wait for packaging from overseas. The e-commerce market, especially, has to move quickly. A product may be produced overseas, but the demand for delivery is typically two-day shipping or in some cases next-day. For this to work, the packaging and the shipper must be close by and ready to go.
This is one of the areas where chameleon qualities come into play. Accurate Box isn’t the biggest in its category, but that’s a benefit because it allows the company to be quick to morph into what the customer needs. “It’s important to be fast to react to our customers’ wants and be very progressive in being able to put new ideas and concepts in front of the customer,” Schlossman notes.
With the entire work team in one location, decisions are made swiftly and implemented immediately. Customers change graphics frequently with encouragement from Accurate Box. Since the graphics department is in-house, cost is minimal. “We encourage them to have a standard box, and then a Valentine’s box, Father’s Day box, Mother’s Day box without a true penalty to them. It’s an advantage,” he explains.